Monday, November 29, 2010

the oddity of restlessness

Tonight I face a certain unknown feeling of restlessness. I have things to do tomorrow and throughout the week and for some strange reason I am stuck. I am stressed and overwhelmed as I try to figure out how to give it up to God. With finals closely approaching, my trip to Nicaragua looming and my sister's wedding to attend, I feel at a loss for how to manage my time well.

Earlier today I faced a simple problem that a quickly dealt with. I got locked out of my car, no phone and in the parking lot of Hobby Lobby. I was able to call a locksmith who showed up promptly and had me in my car within 30 minutes. I definitely didn't like spending the 45 bucks to get in my car but in the end it was worth it. Sometimes, I wonder if we are all locked out of our cars and have to helplessly turn to someone else to help us get to back in. Sometimes the cost is outrageous but you know you have to pay it in order to have the locksmith jimmy the lock. Right now, I feel locked out of the security and safety of a peaceful life. Don't get me wrong, even the better ones have bumps and the A/C doesn't always work, but I feel like I have been locked out for quite sometime. I call on God and comes and unlocks the door, but before He can fix it all, I have to endure the 30 minutes out in the cold waiting and knowing that whatever it takes to get in will be worth it.
I seriously hope that tomorrow I will be able to relax a bit and focus on something a bit more important. Until then I wait restlessly.